GSM Module User Guide


  • Full Kwêbeam system control via SMS
  • Optional Built-in backup battery
  • Two Programmable inputs
  • Relay output (10A / 28V DC)

1         Quick Setup

1.1       Connect the antenna

Screw the Antenna to the SMA connector until finger-tight.

1.2       Insert the SIM Card

The unit is shipped with a prepaid Vodacom SIM card and loaded with R10 airtime.

This section can be ignored if the pre-installed SIM is used. Open the front cover to view the GSM phone number.


  • Make sure the SIM PIN is disabled.
  • Ensure that Caller Identity is enabled when using contract SIM cards.
  • Slide the front cover open & insert the SIM in the SIM Holder as illustrated below.

1.Push SIM door backwards then open the SIM door

2.Insert SIM from the Top

3.Close the SIM door then push to the front to lock the door

1.3       Connect the backup battery (Optional)

Slide the back cover open & connect the internal backup battery.

1.4       Connect the 12V power supply

The GSM can be powered using the 12V wall adapter or by connecting an existing 12V supply to the terminal blocks. The LED will illuminate for approximately 8 seconds after power is connected.

1.5       Verify Network Status

The LED will flash every 3 seconds if successfully connected to a GSM network.

  • 1 short flash every 3 seconds indicates Poor signal strength
  • 2 short flashes every 3 seconds indicates Fair signal strength
  • 3 short flashes every 3 seconds indicates Good signal strength

1.6       SMS your number to the GSM SIM number

AddControlNumber 2782*******

Note: The number format must have a ‘27’ prefix & NOT ‘0’.

Note: The first control number must be entered while the enclosure lid is open.

The LED will illuminate for 3 seconds when the message is successfully received. A confirmation SMS will be sent if the command was successful.

1.7       Call Test

Call the GSM SIM number. The GSM unit will “drop” any incoming call. If the Calling number is recognized as a Control Number, the current Alarm state will be toggled. A confirmation SMS with the new alarm state will be sent to all CONTROL numbers. If the Air-Time Code (see point 1.7) was successfully updated, the available balance will also be included in the “Alarm On” confirmation message.

1.8       Add GSM module to the KwêBeam system

  • Make sure Led armbtn on the Kwêbeam keypad is off. If not press & hold armbtn to switch off.
  • Connect the Keypad to the Programming Socket with the supplied cable.
  • Press p1btn to show the current Zone.
  • Select Zone 1 – 9
  • Press & Hold p1btn to save the ZONE.
  • LED kpbtn will illuminate to indicate successful pairing.

Note: The GSM can also be programmed as ZONE 9. All Keypads & Sensors must be reprogrammed if the GSM Module is programmed as ZONE 9 (See Kwêbeam_User_Manual).

The unit is now ready to operate as a Kwêbeam GSM module


2         SMS Commands & Notifications


The Kwêbeam GSM module is managed entirely by SMS commands which are NOT case sensitive & can only be sent from cell phone numbers saved as Control Numbers.

Note: The module will accept commands from ANY cell number while the enclosure lid is open.

A maximum of 10 Cell phone numbers can be stored in the following 2 categories:

  • Control Numbers: Full system Control & receive all SMS Notifications.
  • SMS Numbers: Receive Alarm and Panic SMS Notifications only.
  • A number can be saved as a SMS OR Control number, NOT both.

2.1       SMS configuration

  1. AddControlNumber

e.g.: AddControlNumber 27820504458

Note: The first control number must be entered while the enclosure lid is open.

  1. AddSMSNumber

e.g.: AddSMSNumber 27820504458

Note: A number can be saved as a SMS OR Control number, not both.

  1. DeleteNumber

e.g.: DeleteNumber 27820504458

  1. DeleteAllNumber

All Stored Numbers will be deleted.

Note: The first control number must be re-entered while the enclosure lid is open.

  1. ATC

Store the “Short Code” for receiving the airtime balance.

Add the text “ATC” to the balance inquiry short code for the specific Network operator (e.g. ATC*135*502# when using a Vodacom prepaid SIM card)

  1. Status

The module will reply with the GSM Signal strength & Alarm status. If the optional backup battery is connected the reply message will also include the charge level & Mains power status.

  1. GetNumbers

GSM will reply with all stored Control & SMS Numbers

  1. Airtime

The command ATC (Air Time Code) must first be entered (one time only) before the GSM module will reply with the available balance. Not required if the pre-installed SIM card is used.

2.2       Alarm Control Commands

  1. AlarmOn

ALL Kwêbeam Zones will be armed. A confirmation SMS with the new alarm state will be sent to all CONTROL numbers. The Air Time Balance will be included in the confirmation SMS if a valid ATC (Air Time Code) is entered.

  1. AlarmOff

Disarm the Kwêbeam system. A confirmation SMS with the new alarm state will be sent to all CONTROL numbers.

  1. Panic

Trigger all beam sirens.

  1. ZoneOff

e.g.: ZoneOff 1. Zone 1 will be ignored while the system is armed. A confirmation SMS will be sent to the calling number.

  1. ZoneOn

e.g.: ZoneOn 1.  Zone 1 will be armed. A confirmation SMS will be sent to the calling number.

Note: All zones will be activated with command AlarmOn

  1. Kwebeams

GSM will reply with all the commands.

  1. ZN

Link an optional ZONE NAME with the zone number, e.g. ZN 1 Pool

Note: The zone description must not exceed 14 characters.

  1. ADL1

Link an optional Address Line 1 to the GSM module. This address will be included in all Notification SMS’s, e.g. ADL1 John

Note: The address description must not exceed 14 characters.

  1. ADL2

Link an optional Address Line 2 to the GSM module. This address will be included in all Notification SMS’s, e.g. ADL2 Unit 3

Note: The address description must not exceed 14 characters.

  1. ADL3

Link an optional Address Line 3 to the GSM module. This address will be included in all Notification SMS’s, e.g. ADL3 Magg str.

Note: The address description must not exceed 14 characters.

A Confirmation SMS will be sent to the calling number after successful execution of the following commands: AddControlNumber, AddSMSNumber, DeleteNumber, DeleteAllNumbers, ATC, ZN, ADL1, ADL2, ADL3

2.3       SMS Notifications

  1. Mains power Failure

Notify all CONTROL numbers of a power failure.

  1. Mains power Restore

Notify all CONTROL numbers of power restore.

  1. Sensor Battery Low

Notify all CONTROL numbers of a low battery condition on a sensor.

  1. Tamper

Notify all CONTROL numbers of a Tamper condition on a sensor.

  1. Alarm

Notify all CONTROL & SMS numbers of an Alarm condition on a sensor.

  1. Panic

Notify all CONTROL & SMS numbers of a Panic condition.

  1. GSM Battery Low (If connected)

Notify all CONTROL numbers that the GSM battery is low. Only the GSM functionality will shut down until power is restored. During this period the module still functions as a Kwêbeam repeater & interface unit.


3         Calling the GSM module

The GSM unit will “drop” any incoming call. If the Calling number is recognized as a CONTROL number, the current Alarm state will be toggled. A confirmation SMS with the new alarm state will be sent to all CONTROL numbers.

The GSM module will include the Air Time Balance in the confirmation SMS when the system is armed. A valid ATC (Air Time Code) must be entered for this feature.


Note: Any sensor can audibly indicate the ‘On/Off’ status of the system (One siren beep = ON, Two siren beeps = OFF). See “Kwêbeams_User_Manual” for sensor programming instructions.


4         Disable SMS Notifications when armed from the Keypad

The GSM module can be programmed NOT to send SMS notification when armed from the Keypad. SMS notifications will ONLY be sent when armed from the GSM module.

  • Make sure Led armbtn on the Kwêbeam keypad is off. If not press & hold armbtn to switch off.
  • Connect the Keypad to the Programming Socket with the supplied cable.
  • Press p3 to show the current Selection.
    • Key 6 on: SMS alarm notification when armed from Keypad or GSM unit.
    • Key 6 off: SMS alarm notification ONLY when armed from GSM unit.
  • Press & Hold p3 to save the setting.


5         Mounting the Module

The module can be wall mounted or placed on any flat surface with the antenna facing upwards.

GSM Technical Specifications

Technical Specification – KwêBeams Wireless GSM Module

Dimensions: 60(H), 105(W), 40(D)
Average Power consumption: 3 mA
Peak Current: 350mA
Power Supply: 10 – 14V DC / 400mA
Backup Battery: Optional 1000mA/H Lithium Backup Battery. Provides up to 7 days backup power
Power Jack: Optional 12V Wall Adapter power input
Input: 2 X programmable digital inputs (0V – 14V DC)
– Panic input (Triggers all beam sirens)
– Arm / Disarm Kwêbeam system
– Alarm & Tamper monitoring
Antenna: External SMA connector
Tamper: Tamper when top cover is removed
Kwêbeam Radio: 2-Way wireless communication with repeater function – 868 Mhz
Drop call function: Arm / Disarm Kwêbeams. Can also be programmed to pulse relay
SMS functionality: Full control over Kwêbeam system via SMS
Notifications: Mains Power failure. Alarm, Tamper & battery status for 8 individual zones
Users: 10 User numbers with Partial or Full control